Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Friends can be 1 mile away, or they can be 1,000 miles away. They can live inside your house with you, they can live in houses in a different country. No matter where they reside, their friendship is is real...and it knows no boundaries. It knows no distance. I, for one, am always one complaining about insincere friends. The kind that come and go as they please. The kind that are never there when you just need a shoulder to cry on, and the kind that only come around, faking kindness, because they need/want something from you. Perhaps you have a really attractive boy/girl pal that they're super interested in and they need YOU to be their middle man. Perhaps they need you to loan them money. Perhaps they need you to give them shelter for a night or 5.

I am the kind of person, that I will do anything for my friends. I'll drop just about ANYTHING for those I feel are worth the effort, to ensure that their hearts are mended and they're having a better night/day. For some reason, that kind of reciprocation is just so hard to come by! BUT..recently..I've gained some REAL, LIFELONG friends. And, can I just say, it feels AMAZING! Meagan lives in Illinois...but she's been there for me whenever I've needed her, and vice versa. Jamie has seen me through it all, and I couldn't be more appreciative of all the kind things she has done for me. Cory, while we still have our bumps, has seen me at my absolute worst, and STILL manages to give a crap about me. Michelle always has kind words and encouragement that gets me through my situation. My Savior and REDEEMER is there for me no matter how many times I trample over His trust..and shatter His efforts to help me. He never abandons me.

How lucky am I? How lucky are we ALL. If we ever forget about our friends, we should be slapped violently in the face region. With a foam hand....that has sharp shards o' glass glued to its end. Anyway...blessed. I'm feelin it.

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I'm pretty simple...and a little TOO open.